Faith versus fact: the problem of Native American creationism and paleoanthropology in North America – Why Evolution Is True

This article in Quillette caught my eye because it was about science—paleoanthropology—and its conflict with faith. The authors are a pair of anthropologists who have written a book about the topic, which is the perennial conflict between scientists on the one hand and Native Americans claiming ancient human remains that, they say, are their ancestors.…
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Episode 1: Rise of The Mexikayotl!

@KurlyTlapoyawa@Tlakatekatlwww.chimalli.orgIn this episode, we cast a critical eye on the organization known as the Movimiento Confederado de la Cultura de Anahuac, or MCRCA, and its founder Rodolfo Nieva Lopez. Now, if you have never heard of Nieva Lopez or the MCRCA before today, you are probab…
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Conservación de bienes culturales, de origen orgánico, procedentes de la Dirección de Salvamento Arqueológico – Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural

Conservación de bienes culturales, de origen orgánico, procedentes de la Dirección de Salvamento Arqueológico – Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural
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