Chicano Ink Cultural Center Nonprofit Corporation

The mission of Chicano Ink Cultural Center is to enrich our local youth through after school tutoring, art and culture, such as Aztec Dance, Mesoamerican Ball Game, Breakdancing, Graffitti, Native-American Arts and Crafts. It is important for our children to learn about their indigenous identity which will empower them and help create a safe, holistic environment. The impact on children’s cultural education cultivates a safer community:

Greetings! I’m an Artist and grandmother by night, and this is my dream to plant the seeds of tradition within our children. I live in Yuma, Arizona, have a horse named Iztak. I like spending time with my family. Many of the indigenous teachings such as dances, beading, arts and crafts are ancestral knowledge passed down to me from generation to generation. I wish you could take a moment of your time to help us in any form to care for the children of our community and furthermore nurture our future. I thank you and wish you well. ~Obzidian~

….how did this organization come about?

Chicano Ink Cultural Center was founded in 2023, with the vision of providing honest, quality body art modifications to the public. Located in Yuma, providing the local community with tattoo and piercing traditions that have been practiced for over thousands of years in the Americas. We greatly wanted to help the children and youth that we’ve decided as a collective of Artists to donate a percentage of our fees to our nonprofit organization to keep it running.

For every service booked or product purchased a percentage funds the organization! Www.chicanoinkculturalcenter.